Au supermarché Nous allons au supermarché. Veux-tu monter dans le chariot? Voilà la liste. Nous avons besion de deux poivrons verts. Voilà, un et deux. Deux poivrons verts. Mets-les dans le chariot. C'est fait. Maintenant, nous avons besoin de trois oignons. Voilà, un, deux et trois. Trois oignons. Mets-les dans le chariot. C'est fait. Quoi d'autre? Il nous faut de l'ail. Voilà, une tête d'ail. Mets-le dans le chariot. C'est fait. Maintenant, il nous faut du pain. Voilà, du pain. Mets-le dans le chariot. C'est fait. Du beurre, du yaourt et des œufs. Mets-les dans le chariot. C'est tout. Allons payer. |
Let's go to the supermarket We're going to the supermarket. Would you like to go in the cart? Here's the list. We need two green peppers. Here, one and two. Two green peppers. Put them in the cart. It's already there. Now, we need three onions. Here, one, two, and three. Three onions. Put them in the cart. It's already there. What else? We need garlic. Here, a head of garlic. Put it in the cart. It's already there. Now, we need bread. Here, bread. Put it in the cart. It's already there. Butter, yogurt, and eggs. Put them in the cart. That's all. Let's pay. |
Cuisinons ensemble |
Let's cook together Will you help me cook? We are going to make ratatouille. Yummy! First we need to washh the peppers. Here, wash them. Now we have to open them up. Take out the seeds. Good. Cut them in small pieces, like this. Now let's wash the tomatoes and the zucchini. Dry them. Good. Cut the tomatoes with a plastic knife. In little squares, like this. Cut the zucchini into little squares. And now, let's fry them! Put oil in the pan. |
French Lessons
Cuisinons! - Let's cook!
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