Projects and Research

Projects and Research.



1. French beyond borders website.       


       The website you are on right now. It provides accessible, free, and engaging content for others to utilize in order to build their French skills.

       Here, you can learn French grammar and vocabulary, as well as short stories in French, and information about culture and tourism. Through this project, I hope many people acquire some knowledge, understand why it’s so engaging, and be inspired to teach others about it.

        There are 3 main parts of website:

                + French lesson: Vocabulary; Grammar and Listening

                + Short stories: including humor, horror, and fables

                + French culture: information on French culture, food, monuments,...


2. Science research project: Potential Application of ZnO in Solar Cells.

        This project was carried out at the Center of Nanoscience and Technology - Hanoi National University of Education. I research the properties of ZnO to see if it would be compatible to use in solar cells.

         It lasted for about 3 months.

         After finishing the research, I presented at the London Youth International Science Forum (LIYSF) Science Bazaar at the Imperial College in July 2023. Many students from different countries saw my research and posed questions such as: "What are the future implications of this project?"

         In the future, I hope to expand my research in this field to fulfill the rising needs.



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