Quelle heure est-il? - What’s the time?
To say the time, we use “il est”
Example: Il est trois heures - It’s three o’clock. To say times at the other hours, just replace “trois” with the other numbers.
To differentiate between the morning and evening, add “du matin” - in the morning, “de l’après-midi” - in the afternoon, and “du soir” - in the evening.
Example: Il est cinq heures du matin - It’s five in the morning.
Il est cinq heures de l’après-midi - It’s five in the afternoon.
Il est dix heures du soir - It’s ten in the evening.
To add minutes, we just add the minute after the word “heure(s)”
Example: Il est deux heures vingt - It’s two twenty.
Il est huit heures cinquante-quatre - It’s 8:54.
Il est quatorze heures quarante - It’s 14:40.
Similar to English, we can use time chunk words such as “quart” - quarter of an hour and “demie” - half an hour, plus “et” - and, and “moins” - minus.
Example: Il est neuf heures moins quart - It’s 8:45
Il est seize heures et demie - It’s 16:30
Il est vingt-et-un heures moins dix - It’s 20:50
Special cases:
If it is 12:00, say Il est midi (It is noon)
If it is 00:00, say Il est minuit (It is midnight)