French Lessons


Question types

I.    Classification of question types

In French, we have three language registers: the current register, the formal register and the familiar register.

-    the current register is used in oral or written language with anyone.
-    the formal register is used in oral or written language with your boss, elders and mark of respect.
-    the familiar register is used to oral language with your family and friends.

In addition, you must know how to distinguish the three types of question that we have in French: the closed question, the open question and the partial question.

II.    Closed-ended questions

These are questions to which your interlocutor can only answer OUI or NON.

II.1.    Closed-ended questions in the current register

This question begins with “est-ce que” and is constructed as 
Est-ce que + subject + verb + complement ?

•    Est-ce que vous avez des enfants ? (Do you have children?)
•    Est-ce que vous allez bien ? (Are you doing OK ?)

⚠️ Attention: This form of questioning cannot be used with negation.
•    Est-ce que tu parles français ? (Do you speak French ?)
(Est-ce que tu ne parles pas français?) (Don't you speak French?)
•    Est-ce que vous aimez faire du sport ? (Do you like doing sports?)

II.2.    Closed-ended questions in the formal register

To ask a formal question, you must reverse the verb and the subject. The formal question is therefore constructed as follows: 

Verb + subject + complement ? 
(there is a hyphen “-” between the verb and the subject)

•    Parlez-vous français ? (Do you speak French ?)

•    Vont-ils bien ? (Are they okay?)

⚠️ Attention, do not forget the hyphen which is mandatory when you make a verb / subject inversion. This form of questioning can be used in the affirmative and negative form.

•    Ne partez-vous pas en Italie ? (Aren't you going to Italy?)

⚠️ If the verb ends with a vowel and the subject begins with a vowel, you must add -t-between these two elements.

•    Parle–t–il français ? (Does he speak French?)
•    Jean joue-t-il aux échecs ? (Does John play chess?)
•    Mange-t-elle des œufs ? (Does she eat eggs?)

II.3.    Closed-ended questions in the familiar register

The question is constructed like the affirmative sentence: 

Subject + verb + complement ?
However, the intonation is different. Instead of going down, it goes up at the end of the sentence. This form of questioning can be used in the negative form.

•    Vous parlez français ? (You speak French ?)

•    Ils ne vont pas au cinéma ? (They don't go to the movies?)

•    Tu n’aimes pas ce fauteuil ? (Don't like this chair?)

III.    Open-ended questions

The open question is a question to which your interlocutor cannot answer with “oui” or “non”. It relates to part of the sentence and is used to obtain new information, specific information. It therefore requires a more detailed answer than the closed question. To ask an open-ended question, you must use a question word like Qui (who), Que (what), Où (where), Comment (how), Pourquoi (why), Combien (how many/how much) …

III.1.    Open-ended questions in the current register

The question is constructed as follows: 

Interrogative word + est-ce que + subject + verb + complement ?

•    Où est-ce que vous partez à Noël ? (Where are you going at Christmas?)
•    Pourquoi est-ce que tu parles si fort? (Why are you talking so loud?)
•    Comment est-ce que je peux faire ? (How can I do?)

⚠️ Attention: When the question concerns the subject of the verb (with Qui or Que), you must use “est-ce qui”.

•    Qui est-ce qui va avec toi ? (Who goes with you?)

•    Qu’est-ce qui t’a plu chez Marie ? (What did you like about Marie?)

III.2.    Open-ended questions in the formal register

The question is constructed as follows: 

Interrogative word + verb + subject + complement?

We keep the inversion of the subject and the verb, which is the mark of the formal language.

•    Où partez-vous à Noël? (Where are you going at Christmas?)

•    Comment t’appelles-tu ? (What's your name?)

•    Combien d’enfants ont-ils? (How many children do they have?)

III.3.    Open-ended questions in the familiar register

The question is constructed as follows: 

Subject + verb + interrogative word (+ complement)?

The intonation changes, it rises at the end of the sentence.

•    Vous faites quoi ? (What are you doing?)

•    Vous partez où à Noël ? (Where are you going for Christmas?)

•    Tu as combien d’enfants ? (How many children do you have?)

If you ask an open question, you should pay attention to three question words:

“Pourquoi” - This interrogative word keeps the same place in the three language registers.

•    Pourquoi est-ce que tu es là? (current register) (Why are you here?)
•    Pourquoi es-tu là? (register formel) (Why are you here?)
•    Pourquoi tu es là? (familiar register) (Why are you there?)

“Combien” - When you use the interrogative word “how much”, you must respect the structure how many + noun.
•    Combien d’enfants est-ce que tu as? (current register) (How many children do you have?)
•    Combien d‘enfants as-tu? (formal register) How many children do you have?
•    Tu as combien d’enfants? (familiar register) How many children do you have?

“Que/quoi” - The interrogative word “que/quoi” changes form with each language register.
“Qu’/que” at the beginning of the sentence, “quoi” at the end of the sentence.

•    Qu’est-ce que vous faites? (current register) (What are you doing?)
•    Que faites-vous? (formal register) (What are you doing?)
•    Vous faites quoi? (familiar register) (What are you doing?)

IV.    Partial questions

This type of question is used to obtain new information about a name.

To ask a partial question, you must use the interrogative adjective “Quel” and agree with the noun it accompanies (Quel/Quels/Quelle/Quelles).

IV.1.    Partial questions in the current register

•    Quel vélo est-ce que tu as eu? (What bike did you have?)

•    Quelles chaussures est-ce que tu portes ? (What shoes are you wearing?)

•    Quels vêtements est-ce que tu veux vendre? (What clothes do you want to sell?)

IV.2.    Partial questions in the formal register

•    Quelle heure est-il? (What time is it?)

•    Quel logement Pierre a-t-il choisi? (What accommodation did Pierre choose?)

•    Quels horaires ont-ils? (What hours do they have?)

IV.3.    Partial questions in the familiar register

•    Tu as choisi quel prénom? (Which first name did you choose?)

•    Vous parlez quelles langues? (What languages do you speak?)

•    Elle préfère quelle robe? (Which dress does she prefer?)

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